Potency problems can begin at any age. Men associate this with bad habits, hard work, stress - anything but food addiction. Meanwhile, nutrition directly affects individual organs and their function in general. And an unbalanced diet causes most of the failures. At the same time, adherence to a special diet allows you to increase libido and improve potency. Today we will talk about products for erection.
Lover in the kitchen, lover in bed
See how these two sides of every woman's life are amazingly connected. After all, beautiful women are often busy preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner for their wives. And which products are used most often? Meat, fatty sauce, potatoes, salt. But every woman wants her man to be young and full of life in every sense. When choosing products useful for erection, you need to pay attention to their quality, since this is the fundamental factor.
So if you revise your grocery cart and start including aphrodisiac foods in your diet, the changes will soon become apparent. Today we set ourselves the task of finding the most effective erection products and recommending them to our readers.

Basic Rules
Don't forget that each person is unique. Therefore, the diet is also compiled individually. At the same time, one is trying to get rid of a chronic disease, the other wants to use products for prevention, and the third wants to prove to his wife that he is the best. And each person has their own way of life, this also cannot but reduce. But there are general principles to follow:
- Be sure to consult your doctor if you are currently undergoing treatment. For example, by eating oranges, you unconsciously reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics.
- Portions should be average. Starvation is strictly forbidden, it will only harm. But you also don't have to eat too much. Excessive weight weakens potency.
- Usually, a therapeutic diet is followed until results are achieved. But in this case, the necessary products for a good erection must be consumed continuously, otherwise the effect will disappear.
What to pay attention to?
Of course, on the label, or rather, on what's in a particular food product. It is recommended to include in the diet:
- Source of zinc. It increases the production of sex hormones. Zinc is abundant in seaweed, asparagus, celery, pumpkin seeds, squid, river fish.
- Carotenoid source. If vegetables and fruits are orange, they contain carotenes. These are carrots, squash, sea buckthorn, apricots. Essential element to enhance libido and strengthen immunity.
- Fiber. It is very important not only for digestion, but also for boosting metabolism. This is important in the prevention and treatment of sexual dysfunction.
- The product contains glycine. This substance stimulates the production of testosterone, which is a hormone that affects the quality of erections and ejaculation.

Give up what?
Before looking at products for potency increase, it is better to find out what to get rid of. In most cases, this may be enough to normalize sexual function. Don't forget that you will have to give up completely and forever.
- Industrially produced beef and chicken. Of course, there's nothing wrong with meat products. But industrially raised animals and birds consume large amounts of hormones along with food. If you eat such meat continuously, it will lead to internal malfunctions.
- Beer is the biggest blow to the male reproductive system. In addition to alcohol, it also contains female sex hormones.
- Medicine. Even the weakest of them, cannabis, can significantly reduce the level of testosterone in the blood.
- Smoking causes strong vasoconstriction, which means that it leads to an interruption of the blood supply to all organs, including the penis.
- Trans fats found in margarine cause hormonal changes.
- Medications for high blood pressure, antispasmodics, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and stomach ulcers can impair sexual function. Therefore, you need to see a doctor, do not self-treat.
- Caffeine destroys free testosterone.
- Drinking too much alcohol causes liver dysfunction. This is also a surefire way to a decline in sexual function.
- Sleepless. If you don't get enough sleep every day, no product to increase erection will simply help.
- Bread and cakes are another snack. The product contains yeast, acid and sugar. All lower testosterone levels.
- Sausages contain a fuming liquid. When ingested, it will be toxic to the testicles.
- High blood sugar.
- Eating a lot of salt reduces testosterone production. Of course, the body needs salt, but not in excess.
- With obesity, the hormonal balance is strongly disturbed and testosterone production decreases.
- Soy contains female sex hormone - phytoestrogen. In minimal amounts this is harmless, but if you replace meat with it, there is an inhibition of male hormone production.
As you can see, you need not only to know which products increase erections, but also to rule out factors that lead to a decrease in potency.
Tips for everyday life
The increasingly hectic pace of life leads to women not having enough time to prepare complex dishes. But that's not the problem. Today we are going to look at which foods increase erection, and among them you are sure to find an easy and affordable option for lunch or dinner.
- Regular eggs have a very good tonic effect. And this applies to both quails and chickens. The introduction of eggs into the diet will not take much time, but it will help increase male strength. Especially in this respect, scrambled eggs with tomatoes and onions are very good. Tomatoes are also helpful in getting an erection, and onions are an aphrodisiac.
- Considering which foods increase potency, it is worth noting the benefits of meat. The diet must contain a sufficient number of meat dishes. It can be not only tenderloin, but also fried sheep liver, stomach or testicles.
- Seafood and fish have the properties of a beneficial effect on sexual function. Therefore, fish dishes need to be loved. The effect is enhanced by crayfish broth, as well as grilled seafood with celery, lemon and tomato.

This allows you to plan your diet a few days in advance. Boiled eggs, steamed cutlets with salad and grilled mackerel, scrambled eggs, fish soup and grilled beef with asparagus. . . You can continue to vary your daily diet for a long time. All of these are delicious and nutritious.
Secrets of different countries
Almost all the peoples of the world ask this question and seek the answer to it. Moreover, each of them has their own opinion about which products increase potency. This is due to the fact that in each individual region, due to climatic characteristics, a limited list of food products is available to the population. And among them, of course, are very useful for men's health.
- Italy, the birthplace of capricious and passionate men. And many doctors agree that the most popular products play a part in this. Olive oil and garlic are useful aphrodisiacs for erections. In sunny Italy, they are the ingredients of almost every dish. Improve the potency of tomatoes, especially baked or stewed.
- In India, seeds and nuts get more attention. Good source of vitamin E, they have a very positive effect on sexual function. To increase potency, sesame seeds are used here, which is recommended to be mixed with honey in equal proportions. Eat them in just a dessert spoon, once a day, and after a month you'll notice a spike in strength. In addition, people often add coriander to the grill here.
- The French consider snails and artichokes to be products that enhance erections.
- The inhabitants of the Caucasus use yogurt products.
- In Central Asia, pistachios are a great choice.
- For this purpose, southerners use figs, which are washed in tea with spices: ginger, saffron, and cloves.
Almost everyone agrees that you need to add as many plants to your food as possible. Basil, asparagus, celery, cilantro, parsley - they are all very good for sexual function.

There have been so many people talking and writing about the benefits of sprouts that at first glance, there is nothing to add. But it just seems. Talking about products that improve erection, one cannot help but remember the inexhaustible source of vital energy. These are sprouted cereals, as well as products from it: bread, cereals, soups. Each sprout contains a huge source of important energy, vitamins E, B, D.
What to cook from sprouted grains?
It's not enough just to choose products for good erections - you also want to imagine what to do with them. That is, how to turn them into a delicious dish that a man will happily agree to eat. Try one of the following options:
- Sprouted Wheat Soup. Just one plate of the first course a day is enough - and the results will soon become apparent. For 0. 5 liters of water, you will need several potatoes, two onions and a few carrots. Put everything in a pot and cook until tender, then add 2-3 tablespoons of germinated wheat kernels. Best not to salt. We keep in mind which product improves erection. These are herbs and spices that can be added in bulk for flavor.
- Cookies or cakes made from sprouted grains. To make, you need to puree the grains in a meat grinder, then add garlic, eggs and a little flour. Bake in the oven or in a lightly oiled pan. It tastes like meatballs, and the results are amazing.
- It has been proven that the peak of sexual performance occurs when an adequate intake of vitamins A and E occurs. So feel free to include fish liver, egg yolks and animal fats in your diet.
What's left to eat?
With the diet itself has become more obvious. But we have not listed all products to improve erection. According to statistics, more than half of cases of violations of male sexual function are related to stress and nervous disorders. Based on this, we need relaxation products:
- Bitter chocolate. It is a natural antidepressant.
- Brazil County. Because it contains a lot of selenium, it has a sedative effect.
- Bananas are a good source of magnesium and potassium, B vitamins.
- Fish oil is a source of fatty acids that inhibit the production of stress hormones.

Care of blood vessels
Think for a moment about physiology. An erection is a rush of blood to a man's penis. Vascular problems primarily affect sexual function. Therefore, the products necessary for a good erection should have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. First of all it is:
- Fruits and berries are high in rutin (vitamin K) and ascorbic acid. Here are blueberries and strawberries, cherries and cherries.
- Avocado. An excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, copper and iron.
- Oily fish.
- Grapefruit.
It is advisable to include effective improvement foods in your diet at least a few times a week. Then the effect will not keep you waiting.

testosterone production
A very important point must also be taken into account. In fact, it is the change in hormone levels that largely allows the qualitative changes to occur. Which erection products can increase testosterone production? These are good sources of zinc. This trace element has a direct impact on sexual function and testosterone production, as well as sperm quality. Zinc is found in large amounts in the following foods:
- Oysters and other shellfish.
- Seaweed.
- Chicken liver.
- Soft cheese.
- Pine nuts.

General strengthening effect
Every man will say that when he feels good, he is happy and cheerful, there is practically no chance of problems with potency. And to maintain high performance, you need to eat right. In some times, when this becomes not enough, you can add a decoction of ginseng. This is a well-known general tonic that is, in fact, a great stimulant. What else can be included in the diet to achieve a good result?
- Garlic - a source of a large amount of sulfur, which has a useful effect in the synthesis of proteins.
- Natural honey is a good source of vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants.
Products to increase potency are not uncommon. Simple and affordable, they can significantly improve health, including sexual function. A wide variety of categories for you to choose from every day. And no one is forcing you to just eat shrimp and parsley, everything is fine in moderation.

Instead of a conclusion
Sex is important to every man. At the same time, the modern rhythm of life creates a large number of prerequisites for reducing potency. To prevent this from happening, you need to give up bad habits, eat right and sleep at least 6 hours a day. Today we have reviewed products that can improve erections. Include them in your diet regularly. This is by no means a panacea or a panacea, but such a remedy allows you to maintain the balance of the most important nutrients in your body, ultimately affecting sexual function in a positive way. most extreme.